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Window Maintenance: Frequently Asked Questions Are Answered


Are You Concerned About Window Maintenance?

You sure are. Window maintenance is necessary to prevent spending much in the long run. Also, when you keep track on your windows condition, you can keep track your energy consumption. Household junkies are concerned about window maintenance simply because they want to have what’s best for their home and budget.


What are the frequently asked questions about window maintenance by homeowners?


Q1: How Long Do Windows Last?

Windows do not necessarily have a certain life span. However, details such as the screw, the hinges, and other parts may wear out over time. Proper window maintenance would keep window parts from breaking out.

Q2: Why Do Windows Fall?

Again, this may be due to loose hinges and screws. If not maintained, your home windows would most likely fall.

Q3: Who Would You Blame For Fallen Window?

Window contractors or builders are supposed to keep the windows intact and safe. Once damages occur, it would be better to contact your local contractor.

Q4: What Happens When Someone Gets Injured?

First of all, go treat the wounded. It would be more difficult if the window fell on a stranger. The homeowner will have to pay for the damages. Most likely, when they sue, the accused will pay a fine of $10,000 or more since this case is regarded as Infraction in the USA.


Your window maintenance should not be ignored. If your windows are not properly installed, tell your window contractor (link here) about it. Safety and comfort should always come first to ensure a happy living.

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