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Vinyl-Lite Window Factory Says, “Dream Big!”

Kids are now preparing to go back to school! As soon as summer ends, kids will once again occupy the classrooms and hallways of their own academes to learn about life in general.

This blog entry is dedicated to every parent out there. Encourage your children to pursue their studies and have big dreams. Teach them to visualize themselves having great futures and support them in any way you can to have them achieve their aspirations. When they fail, be sure you are there by their side to tell them this line from Brooke Shields: “If one window closes, run to the next window- or break down a door.” Tell them to laugh about their failures today because they always have the next day to try them all out again.

To the youth who are still in the phase of molding themselves to have better tomorrows, just keep moving and never give up. It is in every rejection that you learn to strive harder. It is in every challenge that you become stronger, and eventually become a fighter.

We, in Vinyl-Lite Window Factory, are close to the hearts of children and to those who are young at heart. We continue our support to organizations who advocate on helping kids. We definitely see a lot of potential in the beneficiaries of these charities.

Kids, may this school year bring joy, friendship and new knowledge to you! Always remember to dream big.

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